Anders Andersson by NEEF Small

By Neef

Anders Anderson specially designed dagger liner. Used to make a variety of marks, from fine lines, to feathering. You can use it as a dry brush for interesting mark making, or load it up with paint for seemingly endless lines.



Anders Andersson is a member of The Nordic Watercolour Association. His work is exhibited in national shows and in Europe. Learning from the best masters and developing his own style has made his paintings attractive to collectors. Anders loves to share his experience and is top rated on YouTube with several clips. He lives in Husqvarna, Sweden.

How is it that one gets stuck on watercolour painting?

"For me it’s about curiosity and an exiting journey through chaos and order. The colour hue, the paper, the moisture in the brush, the individual character of each colour and your own state of mind make the watercolour so direct. You are always just a few brush strokes away from merely a flat muddy mess with no interest.

Sometimes the colour seems to blend in a chaotic way. During the drying process the character changes with every second. Experiment by combining Ultramarine and Burnt Umber together. Sit an enjoy the drama that unfolds on the paper while this mixture dries. That’s how you get stuck on watercolour painting."