Schmincke W/C Set 12 1/2 Pans Metal w/ Brush 74012


Schmincke Horadam Metal set with 12 x ½ pans and 1 brush Ideal for travelling. 

Artist's pigments in highest possible concentration. With the time-consuming liquid pouring of HORADAM AQUARELL into half and whole pans, Schmincke creates an unusual and unique quality aspect. The liquid watercolour is poured into the pans in 4 stages, each with a drying time of several weeks. The result is a highly concentrated, maximum-yield watercolour that is easy to pick up and paint with a damp brush.


Colours: 215 - yellow lemon, 224 - cadmium yellow light, 349 - cadmium red light, 353 - permanent carmine, 494 - ultramarine finest, 492 - Prussian blue, 519 - phthalo green, 534 - permanent green olive, 655 - yellow ochre, 649 - English Venetian Red, 663 - sepia brown, 780 - ivory black